Thursday, August 21, 2014

The Liturgy Grips My Entire Being

Dom Jean-Baptiste Chautard
"The liturgy grips my entire being. The whole complex of ceremonies, genuflections, bows, symbols, chants, texts, intellect, and the heartby means of all these, the Church reminds me that everything that is in me: os, lingua, mens, sensus, vigor, all must be directed to God
All the means used by the Church to show me what are God’s rights and His claims to the worship of my filial homage and to the total ownership of my being develop in me the virtue of religion, and, by that very fact, the supernatural spirit. 
Everything in the Liturgy speaks to me of God, of His perfections, His mercies. Everything takes me back to God. Everything tells me how His providence is ever holding out to my soul means of sanctification in every trial, every assistance from on high, every warning, encouragement, promise, light, yes, even in His threats.
Also, the Liturgy keeps me ceaselessly talking to God and expressing my religion under the most varied forms. 
If, with an earnest desire to profit by it, I submit to this liturgical formation, how is it possible that the virtue of religion should not strike deeper and deeper roots into my being, after all the manifold exercises that follow, each day, from my functions as a minister of the Church? I am bound to form a habit, a mental state, and that means a genuine inner life."

 Taken from: The Soul of the Apostolate

Whether one attends the New Rite or the Ancient Rites, the liturgy must speak primarily to God.  Even the lectionary is not meant for our own ends, but they are redirected to God to remind him of all He has done and will do for His Church.

An interesting article on the lectionary (old v. new) was given by Taylor Marshall HERE


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