
Friday, October 4, 2013

Remember Syria and Egypt!

With the shutdown and the Holy Fathers visit to Assisi in the news its easy to become overwhelmed.

So I am calling to you to not forget Syria and Egypt.  You can remember that the Holy Father called for a day of penance a few weeks back and the appeal remains an on going effort, so please keep our brothers and sisters in your prayers!

I also wanted to make you aware of a video from the recent Fatima event where His Beatitude Ignatius Youssif Younun spoke.  He is the Patriarch of Antioch (the Catholic one).  In the video his Beatitude addresses the situation in the Middle East (or if you go to a Jesuit parish from time to time "near east") and provides some insight.

+Our Lady of Peace Pray for Us!+
+Pray for the Pope that he makes the right decisions here+

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