
Monday, October 14, 2013

Fr. John Hardon takes your Questions

In a soundbite culture its hard to get people to listen to or read information that will be helpful to them in knowing and defending something as complex as the Catholic Faith.

I have seen some attempts to simplify the issues for such a culture from a Youtuber going under the alias Dragamedood.  His site deals with a couple things Catholic, but his approach lately seems to be focused on challenging atheism.

I hope to provide short Catholic answers coming from the one and only Fr. John Hardon S.J. whose cause for canonization is in its beginnings.

Here are a couple videos to begin with:

On protestant communion, and potential graces therefrom

On the Real Environmental Crisis

On Priestly Celibacy

On the heresies present in "Amazing Grace"

Im sorry the videos wouldnt embed...I dont know why they wont


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