I will admit it, Im a homer.
I love the work ChurchMilitant.tv puts out, and I was always a huge
proponent of the apostolate when it was RealCatholicTV.
Having said that, I can understand how some people are
standoffish, or even hostile toward the work of Michael Voris. Most often we hear about how hes
uncharitable, anti-semetic…the list goes on.
Is his approach the best way to bring back people into the faith, or
bring them to the faith to begin with?
Perhaps not. He is not as
nuancing with his apologetics as Catholic Answers who generally go out of their
way to not be too confrontational so as to slowly attract people into the
Its similar with other
apostolates. Voris is defiantly more
confrontational and will put out blunt appeals in his daily Vortex
episodes. He gets criticized for this,
but really people? It’s a 7-10 min clip,
not with the objective of delving deep into the theology of a situation, but to
confront the person where they are at and make them want to delve deeper, which
I think he does. I would note that it
was Voris just a little after beginning up RealCatholic who put out a video calling
on people to learn the faith, and not just take a back seat calling ourselves
something we have no clue what it actually is, that played a role in me coming
back to the faith, and it was done by confrontation with the truth and not
slowly nipping at the heals.
So today I want to delve into an article I came across
recently by a Catholic Apologist by the name of David Armstrong. You can read his
blog here.
August 08, 2013
Voris Engages in Despicable and Ridiculous Anti-Protestant Rhetoric
Pat Robertson" (6 August 2013)
I am as Catholic as any Catholic is. I wholeheartedly accept all that the
Church teaches, and have devoted my life to defending Holy Mother Church
(full-time for the last eleven years). No one can tar me as some sort of
"liberal" in objecting to this video, or claim that I have
"Protestant leftovers" in my belief-system. Don't even try' don't
even start.
[blah, blah, blah…ok you’re not a
heretic, we are all impressed! :-P
That said (and it should be utterly unnecessary), the anti-Protestantism [heaven save us from being against the protestant
heresy, let us instead be comforting of it] that Voris exhibits here is
wicked [with this type of rhetoric to
begin any article can we not expect him to put forth that Voris and others not
thinking along the lines of Mr. Armstrong are anti-Semites] and dead-set
against especially Vatican II [The council
that in and of itself defined nothing dogmatically besides that which had been
defined prior to the council, the way we approach protestants is not
infallible, its an application thing; for more on the authoritative aspects on
the council go here]: the ecumenical council that dealt
most in-depth with ecumenism and the nature of our relations with Protestant
separated brethren: fellow Christians, after all, who are validly baptized,
validly and sacramentally married [And invalidly
continue to remain outside of the Church at least visibly, please Dave quit
with the excuses] (in the case of two baptized lifelong Protestants who are married
in a Protestant service) and partake of many other graces [Wrong partake in only actual graces which have
the purpose of bringing them to the One Church] and share a
great deal in common with us [Well this is
subjective isn’t it? We could say the
same about universalists couldn’t we].
As a former Protestant [Ah an expert
on all things protestant and therefore the infallible teacher on application], I know
what was in my heart, what I believed and didn't believe. I don't recognize
myself at all in these absurd word-pictures that Voris creates [Lets make more out of some aspects then others]. Nor do,
I'm sure, the vast majority of those converts to the Church who used to be
Protestants (nor, of course, Protestants themselves)[Very
well he doesn’t say it applies to everyone, if anyone is commiting a wrong its
you taking his words and proposing them to mean something else]. This is so
bad, I submit that it is evidence enough that Voris should never again publicly
talk about Protestantism (arguably or perhaps not even Catholicism, either, if
he understands ecumenism so poorly as this)[In
all charity your grudge with Mr. Voris must have something deeper to it,
perhaps because Mark Shea is a friend?
We have a bingo don’t we.].
When Voris talks in this fashion, he is thinking and functioning like a
wild-eyed radical Catholic
reactionary (my newly-coined
term for what I used to call a radtrad)
[Why people like Coffin, Shea and you
wish to place labels on people im not sure.
You probably don’t like it when such reactionaries, as you call them, call
you a neo-catholic or an outright modernist. Although I am certainly not against being
refered to by others as a radical traditionalist for reasons mentioned here.]. This is not orthodox Catholicism [Well its certainly not Catholicism as per Dave
Armstrong, but then again who is Dave Armstrong, and by what authority does he
declare anything to begin with?]. Let's take some of the egregious
examples from the video [This should
be fun!]:
0:45 Are you
looking for a reason or demonstration of why the Protestant heresy has been so
harmful to the western world, and been the ultimate reason why the entire
civilization has come crashing down? Well, all you have to do is listen to Pat
Robertson . . .
Where to begin? Good grief! [A drama queen
too!] This is as idiotic as almost anything I've ever seen [Really Dave?
Come on your bias is showing.], and that is sayin' something,
since apologists like myself are always dealing in false ideas and
belief-systems [Its not saying
anything, this is nothing but showmanship and fools rhetoric to take ones eyes
off the actual quote. Your better than
this Dave, this is a weak way to start.]. This reminds me of radical
Catholic reactionaries (RadCathRs) pretending / engaging in extraordinary
sophistry [Which Mr. Armstrong never
engages in, never…never ever….ever] and special pleading of trying to
blame every ill imaginable in the Church on Vatican II [Got it?
Its not really about what Voris says its about creating a false dilemma
to rile up his readers, sophistry at its core].
In both cases, it is an extremely ignorant social analysis, that relies on
propagandistic [Again which
Mr. Armstrong knows nothing of], polemics-driven old wives' tales [Rhetoric to take the eye off the ball], that can
be accepted uncritically by those who aren't inclined or equipped to do the
serious study required to make such claims in the first place [Like any RadCathRs as he puts it, we are actually
knuckle draggers unfamiliar with VII and its obvious greatness and are unjustly
calling protestants from their great enlightenment opporutunity where they are]
. Protestantism is the ultimate reason, huh? [While it is not perfect, it is meeting people
where they are at, in a heretical group so it works for this sample that Voris
brings up. That you think its not
helpful is a matter of taste that you have overblown into a terrible
happenstance.] Nothing else factors in
there [Did he say it was the only
thing? No of course he did not. He is
giving “a reason or demonstration, not the ultimate demonstration or the end
all be all. You put words in his mouth
and call him anathema for it.] ; our fellow Christians have
accomplished such a mighty feat all on their own! [You
for you should realize how I can take this one sentence and pull it completely
out of context as you have done. For
instance, are you saying they did it without the grace of God? How dare you deny Gods grace! Got it now context time] showing in
the matter I wrote in a paper dated 2000, in response to RadCathRs, the
following cultural observation, that also fits here:
. . . elements of the Renaissance and the earlier nominalism, the
Enlightenment, materialistic evolutionism, the utopian ideal of
Progress, massive secularization, Marxism, philosophical relativism, political
and theological liberalism, the Sexual and Feminist and Unisex Revolutions,
idolatrous wealth and all the myriad temptations of modern American life, the
disintegration of the family, the incessant propaganda and brainwashing of TV
and movies and advertising, lack of education . . . [Again where do these flow from? But ultimately from a rejection of rightful authority
which can be traced to many different things from the original fall, to the
Orthodox schism, to yes the protestant rebellion which is who he addressing
here specifically.]
Theological liberalism / secularism / atheism in particular attacked all forms
of Christianity in the 18th and 19th centuries. Protestantism can hardly have
been the cause of all that,
when it was as vigorously opposed by these forces of darkness as the Catholic
Church was. Blessed John Henry Cardinal Newman, in his "Biglietto"
speech upon becoming a Cardinal (12 may 1879), placed atheism and
"religion" in opposition to each other, not atheism and Catholicism
Hitherto the
civil power has been Christian. Even in countries separated from the Church, as
in my own, the dictum was in force, when I was young, that:
'Christianity was the law of the land.' Now, everywhere that goodly framework
of society, which is the creation of Christianity, is throwing off
Christianity. The dictum to which I have referred, with a
hundred others which followed upon it, is gone, or is going everywhere; and, by
the end of the century, unless the Almighty interferes, it will be forgotten. Hitherto, it has
been considered that religion alone, with its supernatural sanctions, was
strong enough to secure submission of the masses of our population to law and
order; now the Philosophers and Politicians are bent on satisfying this problem
without the aid of Christianity. [And just as
he gave an example, so to you do here as well….big deal]
. . . As to
Religion, it is a private luxury, which a man may have if he will; but which of
course he must pay for, and which he must not obtrude upon others, or indulge
in to their annoyance. The general [nature] of this greatapostasia is one and the same everywhere; but in
detail, and in character, it varies in different countries. For myself, I would
rather speak of it in my own country, which I know. There, I think it threatens
to have a formidable success; though it is not easy to see what will be its
ultimate issue. At first sight it might be thought that Englishmen are too
religious for a movement which, on the continent, seems to be founded on
infidelity; but the misfortune with us is, that, though it ends in infidelity
as in other places, it does not necessarily arise out of infidelity. . . . it
must be borne in mind, that there is much in the liberalistic theory which is
good and true; for example, not to say more, the precepts of justice,
truthfulness, sobriety, self-command, benevolence, which, as I have already
noted, are among its avowed principles, and the natural laws of society. It is
not till we find that this array of principles is intended to supersede, to
block out, religion, that we pronounce it to be evil. There never was a device
of the Enemy so cleverly framed and with such promise of success.
Ward, The Life of John
Henry Cardinal Newman, London: Longmans, Green, and Co., 1912, Vol. II, 460-462)
Take your
pick [Here comes the false dicodomy. Its not an either or, it’s a both and as many
apologists like to say.]: Newman's penetrating, fine-tuned superb
thought vs. Voris' hackneyed [Im sure Voris
will come back at you using the name game…child please] pseudo-intellectual
gibberish, in this regard, that should make any thinking person blush with
shame and embarrassment that such laughable hogwash is allowed to be
promulgated in public, with a straight face [At
least according to Mr. Armstrong who is the authority on such matters ;-) ].
Voris refers in blanket terms to "the
Protestant heresy." Yes, in
several ways, the various sects of Protestantism are indeed heretical. Yet
Protestantism is also Christian [Only
Chrisitan in-so-far as it accepts Catholic truths, so don’t act like they have
something on their own, which I don’t think you mean to say.]. It's not
simply a heresy and 100% false as a result [Well
if that’s the game we are playing here then why call anything heresy? He didn’t claim it was 100% wrong. Heresy might have some truth to it, like the
Mohammadans have, yet they reject the Church Christ established in some way or
another, and thus they reject Christ in some way or another (as to their culpability
in the matter, that’s another subject as you and I would agree.]. Here is
how Vatican II refers to Protestants, in its Decree
on Ecumenism (Unitatis
Redintegratio, 21 November 1964) [all emphases mine] [While this is a valid Ecumenical council it holds
0 binding authority because it didn’t define any absolutes on the matter of
anything including how to approach heretical groups like protestants. It only gave a pastoral approach to the
matter, not infallible or strictly binding on anyone which Lumen Gentium
among our separated
brethren also there increases
from day to day a movement, fostered by the grace of the Holy Spirit, for the
restoration of unity among all Christians. Taking part in this movement, which
is called ecumenical, are those
who invoke the Triune God and confess Jesus as Lord and Saviour. They do
this not only as individuals but also as members of corporate groups in which
they have heard the Gospel . . . The sacred Council gladly notes all this
(1) [Great affirm what we have in common, now say where and why
they go wrong to make it clear, but no, lets be silent on that so as not to
offend anyone, after all it’s a new way of doing things, and we are in a world
of goodness progressing toward better, ala Gaudium Et Spes]
. . . one cannot charge with
the sin of separation those
who at present are born into these communities and in them are brought up in
the faith of Christ [And neither can someone rely on ignorance to
guarantee anything as St. Thomas and Ven. Pius IX taught], and the
Catholic Church accepts them
with respect and affection as brothers [Seperated brothers indeed, and
we accept them not because they are protestants or for the falshoods they
profess, but because they are made in the image of God and profess some
Catholic truths]. For men who believe in Christ and have been properly baptized
are put in some, though imperfect, communion with the Catholic Church. (3) [Boy if people spoke like this and approached the
SSPX with such charity I would be amazed (not being SSPX associated myself
though. But more to the pointits not
just a matter that Protestants are are imperfect communion, that’s along the
lines of the SSPX, more that they are not in communion. Orthodox, SSPX, Old Catholics, these are
different and should be treated differently then protestants, don’t like it
then take it up with Cardinal Ratzinger in his affirmation that was booed by
the protestants because finally we didn’t delve into ambiguity to make people
feel better].
all who have been justified by faith in baptism are incorporated into Christ [footnote cites Council of
Florence, Session 8, from the year 1439]; they therefore have a right to be
called Christians [A right to be
called Christians? Really? What are
rights for? Come on. Rights are given to
do what is just according to Gods will, abilities is another thing.] , and with good reason are accepted
as brothers [Though
separated, make it clear] by the
children of the Catholic Church. (3)
some, even very many, of the most significant elements and endowments which
together go to build up and give life to the Church itself, can [Notice the word can, it is not a definitive by
any stance.] exist outside the visible boundaries of the Catholic Church: the written Word of God; the life
of grace [Actual Grace only, unless very strict measures are met]; faith,
hope and charity, with the other interior gifts of the Holy Spirit, as well as
visible elements. All of these . . . come from Christ and lead back to
him [Lead back to him, we must emphasize this, that when we say him we
speak of his Body, the One, Holy, Catholic and Apolstolic Church] . . . (3)
The brethren divided from us also carry out many liturgical actions of the
Christian religion. In ways that vary according to the conditions of each
Church or community, these liturgical actions most certainly can truly engender
a life of grace, and, one
must say, can aptly give
access to the communion of salvation. [Can,
got that, no guarantee, and its not because of the heresies they believe and
profess but the Catholic truths that they hold to that are actual graces
leading them to the one Church.] (3)
separated Churches and communions as such . . . have been by no means deprived [Perhaps no one deprived them, but they have
deprived themselves.] of significance and importance in the mystery of
salvation. For the Spirit of Christ has not refrained from using them [When we say them it must be noted that we don’t
mean the communities or “churches”, but the people active within them, just as
God used Cyris to free the Israelites.] as a means of salvation which derive their efficacy from the
very fullness of grace and truth entrusted to the Catholic Church. (3)
Catholics must gladly acknowledge and esteem the truly Christian endowments for our common heritage which are
to be found among our separated brethren. It is right and salutary to recognize
the riches of Christ [Actual Grace] and virtuous works in the lives of others who
are bearing witness to
Christ [Which has a purpose of?], sometimes even to the shedding of
their blood. (4)
Nor should
we forget that anything wrought
by the grace of the Holy Spirit in
the hearts of our separated brethren can contribute to our own edification [So we as Catholics are missing something, or is
it that we need reminding of our own teachings.]. Whatever
is truly Christian is never contrary to what genuinely
belongs to the faith [The Catholic Faith that is.]; indeed, it
can always bring a more perfect realization of the very mystery of Christ and
the Church. (4)
bond of brotherhood existing
among all Christians [But not to
forget that that bond has been severed by those who revolted separating
themselves from the true vine.]. (5)
All this, and all Voris
can say about our Protestant brethren in Christ is that the entire group is a "heresy" that has "been the ultimate reason why
the entire civilization has come crashing down"? [You see Dave
you cant just appeal to VII to make your point because as Cardinal Kasper said
the texts are ambiguous at points, with compromised formulas, and no binding
authority to boot.]
I don't think so. He either accepts Vatican II as magisterial Catholic teaching
or he does not [False setup, if Vatican II thought anything de fide then show us. Go back to the link I gave you above. It’s a
valid council, but it only provides pastoral approaches, not actual teachings
that bind anyone, other than presumably their own consciences.]. This
rhetoric highly suggests that he does not [You
put words into his mouth here, you take one sentence and thinks it’s a
doctrinal statement, have you missed the Mic’d Up Episode and the “A
conversation with” episodes with Louie Vorrechio from CNS. This is bearing false witness, and it is best
you stop now and repent.]: that he lines his bird and rabbit cages with
pages ripped out of the Vatican II documents that he seemingly despises [More rhetoric…please.]. If he
accepts Trent, he must also accept Vatican II [He
does as a valid ecumenical council and all that comes with it, but it seems you
misunderstand the weighting of whats in the documents.], which
according to Pope Benedict XVI in his pre-pontificate interview, The Ratzinger Report, "is upheld by the same
authority as Vatican I and the Council of Trent, namely, the Pope and the
College of Bishops in communion with him." [This
is correct, but what else did Cardinal Ratzinger say about the council? You pick and choose what you want heard
Dave. For instance here. Now is he against the council, no yet you accuse
Voris of the same crap which you don’t point out the key players there held] He
Whoever accepts Vatican II, as it has clearly expressed and
understood itself [False
statement, if the council clearly expressed itself we would have no need of a
hermanutic of continuity and no constant insistence by Popes that it must be
read in the light of tradition. This completely
ignores revalations by cardinals as recently as Cardinal Kasper that the text
was formed with compromised formulas that create ambiguities. So too a document cant understand itself but
must be understood by a living authority and clearly stated which is one of the
things trads are calling for in asking for clarification on certain parts of
Vatican two that need to be further defined so they cannot be treated as fodder
for dissenters.], at the same time accepts the whole binding tradition of the
Catholic Church, particularly also the two previous councils . . . It is
likewise impossible to decide in favor of Trent and Vatican I but against
Vatican II [This
understanding that Vatican II is the same type of council and called for the
same reasons as the previous two is a mistake.
Its placing VII on a level that the council itself did not propose to
place itself. A careful reading of Lumen
Genitum makes this apparent as well as the insert from Paul VI himself in
Dignatis Humane]. Whoever denies Vatican II denies the authority that upholds the
other two councils [Again false statement, Voris and other traditional minded
Catholics don’t reject Vatican II as being an ecumenical council. Please stop putting words in their mouths
Dave.] and thereby detaches them from their foundation [A foundation which is not defined as being along
the lines of the other two councils to begin with.]. And this
applies to the so-called 'traditionalism,' also in its extreme forms. Every
partisan choice destroys the whole (the very history of the Church) which can
exist only as an indivisible unity [Which is
agreed by all, the way we go about it makes a difference which is something
Benedict realized] .
To defend the true tradition of the Church today means to defend the Council [One can defend the council while realizing that
not every document carries the same weight, nor the same doctrinal authority to
begin with. I defend the council, even
the sedevacantist Fr. Cekeda defended the council, it’s a matter of asking the Vatican
to finally give some definitive understanding of what authority the documents
carry and how to reconcile them with the tradition as a whole as we are told to
do and willingly do so but ask how].
I have also documented that the
term "separated brethren" preceded Vatican II by 68 years: going back
to Pope Leo XIII. [So where does
Voris say its wrong to call them separated bretheran? In talks with sedevantists I have often been
told its wrong to call protestants and orthodox separated bretheren, even Christian
to begin with, but not by traditionalist Catholics. It’s a matter of symantics. Mr. Armstrong wants to focus on them being
bretheren, and that’s all and good but traditionalists, while acknowledging
their filial bond, make it clear that they are separated from Christs Body and
are called to be in His One Holy Catholic and apostolic church.]
We make our choice. It's with the pope [All
popes including the preconcilliar ones?] and Vatican II (including ecumenism
[So long as it is in line with the traditions
of the Church we agree]), or with Voris and against pope, council, and
ecumenism [Again creating a false
dicodomy and bearing false witness against your neighbor]. I will
always follow the pope and Holy Mother Church: not someone who opposes them (as
Martin Luther did) [IE: Voris is
nearly Luther, he might be Catholic but leaning as a heretic according to the
magestarial teachings of Dave Armstrong]. Everyone always knows where I stand . . . How about you? [I stand with Holy Mother Church Pre and post conciliar
giving full obedience to the Holy Fathers and the ordinary magestrium
recognizing that not every pronouncement carries with it the same weight as
others do. And am willing to ask the
question of how we as faithful Catholics can understand the council in the
light of the whole tradition and I willingly do so, just asking how the
magestarium reconciles confusing things.
As Neuman said a thousand difficulties doesn’t make a doubt, I have no
doubt it doesn’t teach error, I have a difficulty in understanding how to
reconcile VII with everything else.]
1:15 . . . the 700 Club: the flagship show of
a televangelism empire Robinson constructed around himself . . .
This requires no further comment in its manifest humorous irony . . . [This blog,
the flagship site of Dave Armstrongs work, which he constructed around
himself. What goes around comes
around. Just as “Life is Worth Living”
was constructed around the personality of Fulton Sheen, so too all apostolates
have a character of the person who is responsible for them.]
1:32 . . .
Robertson, in typical Protestant fashion (meaning, an answer made up in thin
air, based on nothing other than his own feelings and opinions and misreading
of Sacred Scripture) . . .
The asinine stereotyping and prejudice here is its own refutation. Any
Protestant, former Protestant, and even almost all folks who have never been
Protestant, but know Protestants or have read Protestant literature, instantly
know how outrageous this is. He doesn't even qualify it by saying "some Protestants
[Playing symantics here again. He gives a qualification using the word “typical”. Now this might now be sufficient in the mind
of Mr. Armstrong or any Protestant, or former protestant out there, but the
qualification is there.] . . . " No, for the
"black-and-white" Voris, this is "typical Protestant"
behavior. It's classic prejudice and bigotry. [How
many calumnies are we up to Dave, how many more times will you make assumsions
before asking for clarification from the speaker himself who in his regular
talks gives all the qualifications and further context to his words, but in a
Vortex which being a short attention grabber doesn’t carry with it the
intention of delving into great detail on every aspect. Perhaps you should get a subscription before
pretending to know what his views are.]
4:43 . . . and
this is why, forty plus years later, abortion is still going strong: the
Protestant poison of birth control, that huge numbers of Catholics have
unfortunately consumed as well . . .
More ultra-simplistic stereotyping. [Dave it’s a Vortex. Again its not a talk, but a short quick assessment
that is developed in his other talks that you have never seen. You condemn him without asking for the
context that he willingly gives when you go deeper.] Voris
himself notes how Protestantism uniformly rejected contraception until the
Anglicans first allowed it in 1930. Both Martin Lutherand John Calvin strongly
spoke out against it as murder, as I have documented [And we are glad they maintained the Catholic
truth as long as they did on the matter.]. It obviously originated
from outside of any strain of Christianity [Considering
that Christianity is the Catholic Faith and they as protestants are Christians
in that they maintain certain Catholic truths it is fair to say that those
within the Chrisitan distrinction had a had to play in the matter. If you were
familiar with his work you would realize that he is speaking about authority
and rejection of it that leads to error, which is the same thing that Tim
Staples presents in his new video yet gets no blow back from Dave Armstrong
for.]. The contraceptive anti-child mentality came from ancient pagan
Greek and Roman culture (hence, the Church fathers spoke out against it).
Later, it was seen in occultic and heretical circles; then at long last in the
18th-century so-called "Enlightenment" leading directly to the
modernist / liberal rejection of orthodox theology and outright skepticism and
atheism. [Hense, again
if you were familiar with Voris you would realize he is giving a time period,
namely the protestant revolt and what followed (IE: the rejection of authority)
as a way for people in the protestant community to see that continutity of
their faith is incoherent. If you were to ask him that these other examples are
not applicable he would be on your side, but again it’s a vortex, not an hour
long oration with detailed outlines.
Dave instead of critiquing the vortex why not ask Voris himself who
answers phones at his apostolate for further context?]
These modernist strains continuing into the early 20th century clearly
influenced the Anglicans (who were already markedly liberal in theology). Then
the final blow came in the 1960s with the sexual revolution (again, not
inherent in classical Protestantism, but coming from outside of it, hearkening
back to pagan sexual license)[Yet the
pagans weren’t around parading it, and actively promoting it to the
protestants. They, protestant pastors
and leaders made decsions that their followers accepted regardless. Better yet ask the people who accepted it if
they did so based on Pagan reasoning, or their own personal decisions]. How is all
that to be construed as "Protestant"? [In
a final approach in that it was a decision by those who represent the
protestant position, and who adhere to protestant beliefs, regardless of that
pagans or occultasts believed, that actively decided to make it ok on their own
authority, rejecting rightful authority again, thereby rejecting more Catholic
truth leading them farther and farther away from the Church and Christianity
which is Catholic.]
My friend Michael Forrest, commenting on this, wrote:
John Rock, a Catholic, invented the birth
control pill. (Ironically, his intention was reportedly to comply with Church
teaching, but he was still wrong.) He campaigned for Catholic approval of the
pill. He published a book, The Time Has Come: A Catholic Doctor's Proposals to End the Battle over
Birth Control, and was featured by Time and Newsweek. He also gave numerous interviews with the networks. Catholic
priests, theologians [and bishops] effectively defected from the faith over
this issue and treated Humanae Vitae [in 1968] as DOA. [see more on that] [I am glad Dave brings this up because Voris again
and again makes the same statement that “All evil in the world is due to bad
Catholics” which is a quote from Pius V.
Notice that Dave? Does he say
that all evil is derived from Protestants?
No there is greater context there, but you want to generalize his whole
work into a vortex and take it out of the whole of his work just like a
protestant takes a single line from scripture and declares it the final
position, without regards the the greater context.]
The bishops didn't have the knowledge or fortitude to stand.
Catholics led the way on "the pill" and when presented with
"Peter's" teaching rejected it [We agree, the worst thing in the world is a Bad
Catholic]. That's obviously not the fault of
Protestants who do not have Peter [Yet before
the pill they still rejected the teaching that they had held onto that was
somewhat of a bond among all Christians.
If they are ignorant of what the church is and choose to forgo learning
it and remain ignorant don’t think they are invincible, they have a free will
to accept rightful authority or reject it, just as Luther and Calvin did]. If anything, I would say that Catholics are most to blame for
society embracing contraception [Yet our teaching hasn’t changed, so blaming the
sinner for the actions of others forgoes the fact that the others had the same
ability to accept or reject the decsions made.]. We should have known better. We had the teaching. We had Peter.
We had the One True Church. We didn't care. [So did Luther and Calvin, so whethers the
apologia for them?]
6:56 If you listen closely to Protestantism, you won't have to
listen long, before you discover that sooner or later, it pulls you away from
our blessed Lord and His truth.
Wow. I merely need to appeal to the statements above from Vatican II, which are
diametrically opposed and contrary to these. I grew and flourished in
Protestant evangelical circles, and learned much of what I believe now [Which are protestant truths or Catholic
Truths? Begging the question Dave. If
someone steals a television from a store and you catch a very informative show
on that television that leads to a lucrative career do you necessarily credit
the thief that brought you the TV? Its
an indirect action, not the evil of the action itself that brings life and that
indirect action in your case is the Catholic Truths you were presented with and
that lead you to the Church, not the protestant group that spoke the Catholic
truths.]. Meanwhile, millions have languished in Catholic parishes where
liberals hold sway, as Voris himself has often talked about [And
rightfully]. It's impossible (and well, plain dumb and stupid) to paint such
a simplistic, black-and-white scenario. [Again
it’s a vortex not a talk. You can write
as much as you want on your blog without cost besides your time, it costs money
to produce and edit videos then post them.
Context is had when delving deeper in his work, which is true for all
things theology, read Dietric Von Hildabrand for example. We are constantly told that Von Balthazar is
not heretical in his views that greater context is needed before such
declarations, can I not ask the same of you in regards to Mr. Voris?]
Make your choice. With high and tragic irony, Voris disses [subjective wording, speaking truth to error is
another way to put it, but doesn’t fit his rant.] and
belittles Protestants for rejecting the Catholic Church and system, yet he
turns around and thumbs his nose at that same system, by rejecting Vatican II [Another lie Dave, what are we at now] where he
selectively chooses what he will accept and not accept (the
"pick-and-choose" mentality of the liberal / modernist / dissident,
and also of the Protestant rule of faith, private
judgment) [Does Bishop
Schinder reject Vatican II? How about
Cardinal Ratzinger for that matter in his critisisms of the council? When did asking for clarifications become
heretical? When did asking the Vatican
to show us how to reconcile ambiguous texts with the whole tradition of the
church become heresy and rejecting the council.
False distincitions Mr. Armstrong create the division in the church].
I am planning on putting his along with other takes on a Youtube video soon. I want to be clear I hold no animosity toward Mr. Armstrong and encourage people to visit his website here for apologetics. Yet I would ask people to seek greater context from the person themselves when going about disagreeing with quick statements. I consider myself an orthodox Catholic, who accepts all the councils and goes about seeing them all in the light of the tradition and giving them the authority that they claim to hold. I dont hate the Missal of Paul VI, but neither do I hold it as being theologically as acceptable as the Old rite which is essentially the same as it was in the 3rd century which is when they were able to start documenting it (not necessarily the start). Traditinalists are not the enemy, they are indeed proders and demanding, but they are not the enemies. Lets not turn canons on each other without knowing the others context.