Friday, March 22, 2013

Erin Burnett and the promotion of Confusion

A response to Erin Burnett

So I have heard from a friend that the media is out there saying stupid things, big surprise. Here is my line by line take on what was said: [My comments in [Red with brackets]

BURNETT: Our second story, OUTFRONT, breaking the rules. He's only a little more than 24 hours into his papacy, but already Pope Francis is splitting with tradition. [Shes already showing that she paid zero attention to Pope Benedict, her idea of splitting is a hermanutic of rupture, which all libs take in attempting to confuse people] This morning, he did something amazing. He turned away the official Vatican limo when it came to pick him up instead he got in an unmarked sedan to get to the basilica dedicated to the Virgin Mary. [How is taking a limo a tradition?  Seems more like a security thing.  Now if Benedict had been carried on Sedia Gestatoria to every church he went to  them maybe you could draw a reference, but really this is creating a false impression of what is meant by tradition in the first]

That is a significant thing for a pope. Then he had his driver go back to the residence where he had been staying so he can pick up his own luggage and also pick up the tab. Even though it wasn't necessary, according to the Vatican, the newly elected pontiff wanted to set a good example of what priests and bishops should do.
[Got it.  When you use something you must pay for it.  Please Erin when Mr. Obama goes on vacation or on another golf outing do us a favor and tell him to pay for it]

OUTFRONT tonight in Rome, our Vatican expert and contributor, Raymond Arroyo [EWTN: World Over Live host], and also the news director of Catholic Television Network. Now Raymond, take me through the rest of Pope Francis' first day. I know we were all learning so much about this man.

RAYMOND ARROYO, CNN CONTRIBUTOR: We are, indeed. You know, I spoke to some security officials at the Vatican. They say he has been escaping us all day long. He does his own thing, Erin. I had a friend of mine who is monsignor. He walked into the house where all the cardinals were living and where the pope is now residing while they renovate the papal palace, and he came down the elevator himself. He walked out, no entourage, no secretaries. He greeted the man by name and embraced him.

They talked a little bit. He said it was very easy and so he's kind of setting his own path here. And as pope, he can do that. And let me tell you, in the days ahead, he's going to have to set his own path. It will take that to fix what ails the Vatican at this moment.

BURNETT: And we've heard a lot of amazing things about his generosity, how humble he is [Something about humitity is that most people think humility has to do with material possessions or letting people run over you, if so they need read the magnificat], you know, washing the feet of men who had AIDS. But he also faced some challenges as the leader of the Jesuits in Argentina.

Today we're learning about some serious questions about what he knew and what he did or didn't do when military junta in the 1970s murdered up to 30,000 people. People say he turned away from priests at that time. Is this going to be something that could become a bigger problem, Raymond?

ARROYO: Pope Francis, then Cardinal Bergoglio, he wanted to reform his order, the Jesuits. They were leaning toward liberation theology. He didn't like what was happening. He told some of the Jesuits, look, I separate your politics from your prayer.

Pray more, do less politics, they didn't like that. They fought back. Many of them started this canard, this story and floated it that he was involved in the kidnappings. And he was ostracized and sent to the north of Argentina. He was exiled.

It was only John Paul II that brought him back, named him an archbishop and later a cardinal. Here he is. It's interesting during the homily today, he pointed out in the scriptures there was a line about the stone that the builders rejected have become the corner stone.

That really could be the motto for this man's life. He is now the corner stone of this church. You can see it behind me and it is very interesting. He's been through the blades before, Erin.

And I don't think he's afraid of bringing reform to the fore and following through to the end even if it costs him personally. As you said, he's a simple man of faith. We'll see what happens.

BURNETT: All right, Raymond, thank you very much.

Well, as Raymond mentioned, Pope Francis is already making it clear that his tenure is going to be different from his predecessors. [Heremantic of Rupture is what she means] But will he budge on the sensitive issue of allowing women a bigger role in the church?
[Why you no understand no ability to do so!]

David Mattingly talked to one woman who is risking everything to become a [faux] priest knowing that her Catholic Church will disown her when she is ordained [an ordination is not possible without a Bishop to boot, second simulating an ordination is not anything other than playing dress up, mocking Holy Mother Church]. David is OUTFRONT on the story.


DAVID MATTINGLY, CNN NATIONAL CORRESPONDENT (voice-over): His first step into public view was greeted by cheers from the faithful. But at that moment, Pope Francis also moved one step closer to a confrontation with this woman.
[Cause she’s the center of the world]

(on camera): Did this calling come from God?
[Lets see the subjectivism to come]

[and who is discerning this again, the church or her?  After all Christ says you did not choose me I chose you.  He also says to his Apostoles the bishops of his day, he who hears you hears me, he who rejects you rejects me and the one who sent me.]

MATTINGLY: How did God speak to you? Do you remember? 

HAIDER: I think it was peacefulness and it's not an urgency. [maybe you misunderstood that she should be a nun?  What makes her think Priest?] It's just a peaceful knowing this is what I'm supposed to do.
[Relativism on display]

MATTINGLY (voice-over): Christine Haider is part of a small, but rebellious movement [I seem to remember another rebeliious being] risking ex-communication. [Reminder they see this as a political thing, they don’t understand that excommication is meant to lead the soul back because they are doing something wrong in regards to church teaching] She is out to break Roman Catholic Church tradition by becoming an ordained priest.
[Again cant be ordained, all they can do is simulate the action, and that in itself is a mortal sin]

(on camera): The church would not see you as a Catholic priest.
[wouldn’t it be priestess?  ;-P  ]

HAIDER: I don't believe that clerics are qualified to make that decision on their own. I believe that that is God's decision.
[I would like to see her keys, her commission to feed the flock and tend it, and so forth before she makes the comment]

MATTINGLY (voice-over): The Roman Catholic Women Priest Organization says there are nearly 100 women around the world shunned [oh dear] by the hierarchy because they have become priests [but they haven’t] through ceremonies not sanctioned by the Vatican.

The emergence of Pope Francis does signal and era of change in the Catholic Church [Hermanutic of Rupture], the first pope from the Jesuit order [Validity not questioned], the first modern day pope not from Europe [should tell you immediately that its not a rupture]. But he is also known as a conservative voice, embracing the church's traditional values.
[Boo, Booer! :-P  ]

(on camera): Is this a moment of encouragement for you?

HAIDER: Yes, I feel it's too soon to say. I do definitely agree that there are a lot of firsts in this appointment and I think that that means that it might be a good time for more firsts.
[Misunderstanding that something being a first in ethnic or order terms means the dogma door is open]

MATTINGLY (voice-over): Christine Haider is expecting a lot from the new pope. Not just a woman, she is also married. For now, she is studying for the priesthood but at a Protestant seminary. [thanks for getting their hopes up protestants] She is a few years away from becoming ordained [again faulty idea]. Scholars [why would you ask a scholar, why not a priest in good standing or a Bishop] say such fundamental change seems unlikely when three out of four women priests are in the United States [Not only is it unlikely, but impossible, are these scholars at the protestant college?].

REVEREND TOM RAUSCH, PROFESSOR OF CATHOLIC THEOLOGY, LOYOLA MARYMOUNT UNIVERSITY [Oh hears the supposed response, lets go to the liberal Jesuit university]: I don't think the ordination of women is on the top of the list of the priorities [Father why would you even say its on a list?] that the cardinals are facing right now at the Vatican. It's a very important issue in the United States, but Catholics in the United States constitute 6 percent of global Catholicism.
[Got that 6% not even 99% dictate to the church what Christs teaching is]

MATTINGLY (on camera): The church for its part has been very clear on where it stands on this issue. [Rome has spoken, the case is closed, now get down to living the faith]  As recently as 2010, the Vatican declared that women becoming priests is a grave crime against church law. [This sounds conflated for a reason.  Got it its against church law, the law made by man, not God that’s why its ok to go against] Defiance like this doesn't come without a price.
[Im thinking of what the price should be….if only ;-P  ]

(voice-over): Ex-communication means Haider would not be allowed to take communion in the Catholic Church, [not just the blessed sacrament, but any sacraments] denied the ritual [person] central to the Christian faith.

HAIDER: And being denied communion at a Catholic Church would break my heart.
[Im sure it would that’s why you continue in your error, Right?]

MATTINGLY: But it's a risk she is willing to take [to place yourself outside the church is to condemn yourself to hell, she must misunderstand this…wait she probably went to “Catholic” school her whole life, so scratch that], a broken heart for the chance of breaking through. [to the pits of eternal perdition] David Mattingly, CNN, Berkeley, California.


My take on the Good Popes speech today

My take on the Good Popes speech today

Not that it matters but I have a take on todays speech, not particularly important that it is coming from me, nor do I think I have a new great take on anything but here it goes my comments in [Red Brackets]

As you know, there are various reasons why I chose the name of Francis of Assisi, a familiar figure far beyond the borders of Italy and Europe, even among those who do not profess the Catholic faith. One of the first reasons was Francis’ love for the poor. How many poor people there still are in the world! And what great suffering they have to endure! After the example of Francis of Assisi, the Church in every corner of the globe has always tried to care for and look after those who suffer from want, and I think that in many of your countries you can attest to the generous activity of Christians who dedicate themselves to helping the sick, orphans, the homeless and all the marginalized, thus striving to make society more humane and more just.

But there is another form of poverty! [say it aint so! Sr. Campbell would disagree, afterall the only reason to be Catholic is to give the poor free things and blast Congressman Ryan for proposing that government is not the only solution to poverty.  But never mind shes a glorified social worker, with one of those modern habits [?] But then again the US bishops are also complicit in not being able to see their over compensating of programs on the government dole, but w/e]
It is the spiritual poverty of our time, which afflicts the so-called richer countries particularly seriously [this is exactly what I thought he meant when he talked about the need for a poor church]. It is what my much-loved predecessor, Benedict XVI, called the "tyranny of relativism"[h/t Ratzinger  :-)  ], which makes everyone his own criterion and endangers the coexistence of peoples [now if he were a little more confrontational he would trace this to protestantism, but maybe one day he will, I will give him the benefit of the doubt here]. And that brings me to a second reason for my name. Francis of Assisi tells us we should work to build peace. But there is no true peace without truth! [this might be, but it probably is not, a reference to Francis meeting the Sulton to seek peace by his conversion] There cannot be true peace if everyone is his own criterion, if everyone can always claim exclusively his own rights, without at the same time caring for the good of others, of everyone, on the basis of the nature that unites every human being on this earth. 

One of the titles of the Bishop of Rome is Pontiff [this deserves a thumbs up after all he has only lately been referencing his role as Bishop of Rome, that isnt bad in itself] , that is, a builder of bridges with God and between people. [Another reference to Jacobs ladder, slightly veiled of course] My wish is that the dialogue between us should help to build bridges connecting all people, in such a way that everyone can see in the other not an enemy, not a rival, but a brother or sister to be welcomed and embraced! [Love thy Brother as you love yourself] My own origins impel me to work for the building of bridges. As you know, my family is of Italian origin; and so this dialogue between places and cultures a great distance apart matters greatly to me, this dialogue between one end of the world and the other, which today are growing ever closer, more interdependent, more in need of opportunities to meet and to create real spaces of authentic fraternity. [Of course there is inauthentic fraternity where we build the city of God without him (ie: Babal), we are interdependent now indeed but we should work to be connected in the faith in Christ in communion with Peter.  That is the goal, unity the way Christ wished.  But realize that being united doesnt preclude having different nations with different views, for even under the Holy Roman Empire there was unity but distinctiveness, kind of like the Blessed Trinity]

In this work, the role of religion is fundamental. [Being fundamental it is a conerstone, not just an add on] It is not possible to build bridges between people while forgetting God. [AMEN!] But the converse is also true: it is not possible to establish true links with God, while ignoring other people.  [Matthew 25: 31-46] Hence it is important to intensify dialogue among the various religions, and I am thinking particularly of dialogue with Islam.  At the Mass marking the beginning of my ministry, I greatly appreciated the presence of so many civil and religious leaders from the Islamic world. And it is also important to intensify outreach to non-believers, so that the differences which divide and hurt us may never prevail, but rather the desire to build true links of friendship between all peoples, despite their diversity. [The court of the gentiles?  This is something Benedict would talk about from time to time as well.  Its not about blurring thing but defining how we can work together and build peace in Christ as he said before]

Fighting poverty, both material and spiritual, building peace and constructing bridges [Pontifex]: these, as it were, are the reference points for a journey that I want to invite each of the countries here represented to take up. But it is a difficult journey, if we do not learn to grow in love for this world of ours. Here too, it helps me to think of the name of Francis, who teaches us profound respect for the whole of creation and the protection of our environment, which all too often, instead of using for the good, we exploit greedily, to one another’s detriment. [Watch the Captialists whine, watch the commies take this to mean the Earth over people!]

March 22, 2013

Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Pope Francis, the leaks and the Mood


So there has been much on my mind lately.  And I have been preparing some videos for my YouTube channel lately, but I have unfortunately lost my want to finish up the post from a while back on Pope Pauls talk on the liturgy.  Hopefully one day I will pick this back up, but with everything going on right now its one of the last things on my mind, and there is so much out there that must be hit on before I go back to this that my head is exploding!

First we have a new Pope!  Francis!  Yeah I know I’m a week late but now’s better than never if you have lived under a rock.  I must admit I was absolutely shocked by the choice and was absolutely terrified that the first things I heard were Jesuit and Argentina.  Now for dis-closer purposes I do go to a Jesuit parish during the week and there is usually no problems.  As the joke goes if no one is hurt during a Jesuit liturgy things went well!  I would concur.  But the knowledge that he is a Jesuit scared me some because of the communist infiltration of the Jesuits, especially in the Latin American lands.  Now to be sure Latin America has hot spots for liberation theology, which is nothing more than Marx with a rosary in his hands, but Argentina is not one of those areas.  In fact it was made know that the new Holy Father was one of the few to stand up against liberation theology, thus curbing the idea from spreading among his fellow Jesuits.  He did not go unharmed by this position and was later banished by his fellow Jesuits to the outer Northern provinces to teach math to the youth in Argentina.  Now even having said that we must be restrained in to much of a high opinion of him lets remain objective. 

I do have some fears from what people have noted about him from his time as a Cardinal in Buenos Aires, most noted at traditional minded sites like Rorote and so forth.  I am also concerned with some of the comments and divulging of the goings of on the conclave now occurring.  I want hit on these two specifically.
First some cardinals like his Eminence Cardinal Mahoney have been tweeting or talking to the media about how the new Pope is their guy because he is so simple!  For instance Cardinal Mahoney has been taking backhanded shots at Pope Emeriti Benedict, mocking his use of sacred vestments, and his insistence on maintaining the various papal traditions like red shoes.  Needless to say im still fuming from the cowardice of Mahoney and his kin, I have had to take it to Christ in adoration, and he has calmed me every time, and reminded me that these men need prayers.  As the Good Cure of Ars said, “there is no such thing as a bad Priest, only a priest that has not been prayed for enough.

Second the divulging of what was going on in the conclave is most embarrassing.  Have these cardinals, these princes of the church no integrity in their words and their actions?  Before his abdication Pope Benedict made it clear that such an action incurs automatic excommunication.  Yet we see these things like that Scola was dissed by his Italian peers immediately, who they voted for, and deliberations among themselves.  If they cannot remain true to their oaths of silence that carry with it the salvation severing force of excommunication how can such people even begin to hold themselves out as shepherds of souls guarding against error and feeding the faithful with correct doctrine.  Their actions speak louder than words.  Now don’t get me wrong their offices are separate from their actions, I don’t challenge that and I respect them with all due expectations for such.  But let us be objective and judge them on their actions, not condemning their office but their decisions made.  Cardinals that have violated this seal have done so willingly, without specific appeal to the new Holy Father to do so, this is a huge problem.  I will say some prayers for these princes of Holy Mother Church and I urge you to do likewise.
These are scary times as many of the cardinals admitted before the conclave, but I am reminded of a movie called “The Dark Knight”, having surety that many of you have seen it, the Batman character when things look like everything is going wrong he is reminded that the night is always darkest just before the dawn.”
May God keep us safe and guide our Holy Father in his undertakings due by his Sacred Office,