
Monday, November 23, 2015

Correcting the narrative on Christ the King and a Warning about Marvel's Jessica Jones!!!

"Madness ensues when you remove Christ from your nation" - Fr. John H

Its a pretty good homily.  Its about the day to day grind of building the City of God in each of us, then our family, our community, our state, our nation and then the whole world.

Subsidiarity...  GET ON IT!!

Stating that Christ is King of the Universe is true, but it almost side steps that he is right beside us and in us.  A nation will not survive that ignores him, and neither will it survive when it fails to recognize His Bride.  Religious tolerance has been kicked to the side in the last 60 years thanks to the French and American errors of masonry, galicanism and Americanism.  We cant be content with just having a seat at the table. We must be willing to preach Christ and His Church to the whole world.  We need to stand and state that Outside the Church there is no salvation, because it is a fact.  Sure other groups might have some truth claims but they did not have those exclusively like the Church does.

For some contrast I give you Fr. Ripperger

Also a WARNING to people of good will about the Marvel Netflix series Jessica Jones.  The series actively promotes abortion. I have seen no one else say a word about this so let this be a warning and demand better from the stooges at Marvel and Netflix

Read about it Here

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