
Friday, November 6, 2015

Catholic Answer's President Chris Check is in Milwaukee and you are invited to his talk!

Just as a reminder:

The talk is open to the public and we recommend a $35 donation with all proceeds going to the Church Restoration Fund.  However, if you cant afford this you wont be turned away

The talk will be on Lepanto: The Battle and the Poem.  Refreshments will be served and we want to thank Capitol Brewery for donating some fine brews for your enjoyment.

The talk is at 7:30pm at St. Stans behind the Church (parking in back as well)

Schedule is as follows:

6:00pm Confession in the Main Church

6:30 Low Mass

7pm -12am Adoration in the Main Church with First Friday devotions

7:30pm: Chris Check Talk

Following the talk will be a social and more adoration!


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