
Monday, October 12, 2015

Christopher Check, President of Catholic Answers coming to Milwaukee November 6

So on November 6th the President of Catholic Answers, Christopher Check, will be at St. Stanislaus on Historic Mitchell Street to give a talk on Lepanto.

We welcome anyone and everyone to this talk which is sure to be a great time.  We suggest a donation of $35 per person which will go towards restoring St. Stanislaus to its former beauty.  However, if you are unable to donate in such quantity, discounts are likely to be made available.  We really want people to hear this great speaker so invite anyone and everyone to come!

Also, Mass will be said at 6:30pm in the Main Church, with confessions a half an hour beforehand.

If you have any questions feel free to contact us at

The flyer is below, feel free to share far and wide

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