
Monday, May 4, 2015

Early Christian Poetry: Drink the Cup of Fire! - Cyrillonas

"The Lord prepared a new banquet, inviting to it those of His household. A feast He prepared for His Spouse to satisfy her hunger. He Himself first offered His own Body, and afterward He was slain by man. He pressed it out in the chalice of redemption, and later on the people also pressed it out on the Cross. Upon His head He placed the crown of glorious prophecy. He sharpened the sacrificial knife of the Law, therewith to immolate His own Body as the paschal Lamb. He brought the nations to His banquet and called the tribes to His feast. He clothed Himself with the true priesthood and with the perfect celebration of sacrifice. He stood there and supported Himself through love and held His own Body high up in His hands. His right hand was a holy altar, His uplifted hand a table of mercy. His omnipotence exercised the true priesthood. He consecrated and blessed Himself, He prayed and gave thanks over His own Body. He sacrificed and slew His own self, He bestowed and pressed out His life-giving Blood. Come, My disciples, thus cries out the Lord, receive Me, I will place Myself in your hands! Behold, here truly do I stand, but at the same time you really and indeed consume Me. Come, My beloved ones, drink also of My Blood, which is the Blood of the New Testament! Drink of the cup of fire, the Blood which inflames all that partake of it, but in order that you may not forget this evening, more precious to you than the day, that you may not forget this hour, in which you have tasted the Divinity, I command you also, My beloved ones, confidants of My mysteries, to do this : the remembrance of this is not to cease among you until the end of the world! Thus, My brethren, shall you do at all times and be mindful of Me ! In My Church let this be My sublime memorial and upon the face of the earth this shall be My Pasch! "

- Cyrillonas

Institution of the Blessed Sacrament

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