
Friday, April 3, 2015

Prayer to Christ Crucified - Pius XII

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Papa Pio XII Sito ufficiale della Causa di Canonizzazione

To Jesus on the cross – Venerable Pio XII

dopo il restauro, il volto del Cristo, Benedetto da Maiano, antecedente il 1497, courtesy Opera di Santa maria del Fiore, foto Antonio Quattrone-3O Jesus crucified,
you have deified human nature,
assuming it for yourself;
after having preached justice, charity, kindness,
and making the rich and the powerful
a force for the poor and the weak,
you gave
 salvation to the world
with your passion and death;
look down with love on your people,
who bow down at your feet
in a spirit of penance
invoking your forgiveness not
only for themselves,
but also for the many troubled who
would remove your crown and desecrate you
by the pride of their intelligence
and the lust of their passions.
Save us, Lord, we are drowning!
Walk back on the waves of
the troubled seas of our soul;
be our companion in life and in death;
be our judge full of pity.
The thunderbolts of deserved punishment
give way to a generous, new effusion
of your mercy on redeemed humanity.
Extinguish hatred; inflame love;
with the powerful breath
of your Spirit burn off
the thoughts and desires of domination, destruction and war.
Give bread to the little ones,
homes to the homeless,

work to the unemployed, peace to the nations throughout the world,
and the prize of eternal bliss to us all.


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