
Tuesday, August 27, 2013

August 27, 2013: Quick look at the Missal

Today is the feast of St. Joseph Calasanctius.  He was canonized as a confessor of the faith.  Heres what my Missal says of him:

“ St. Joseph Calasanctius, a Spaniard of noble family, famous for his charity towards children, founded the Piarists, or the Order Clerks Regular of the Poor Schools of the Mother of God for the education of you. He Died at the age of 92 A.D 1648.”
Modern day Piarists. Notice the plad neckline the Rev. Father sports in the middle.  I know I'm knit picking, but really?

I thought it was important to take note of this day for a couple reasons.
  1.  Common core implementation is going forward as quick as they can get it to go.  I urge all of you to make yourselves aware of the matter.  Below you will see a short introduction on this topic and why it needs to be stopped.
  2. The Communion verse for todays liturgy reads as follows: “Suffer the little children to come to Me, and forbid them not, for of such is the kingdom of God.”

Not being a Father there is no way that I can understand the magnitude of this command.  Jesus tells us we must be like little children if we are to enter the kingdom of heaven, yet we sometimes put this off to the side and don’t delve too far into it because it’s a weird thought.  But let us remember a child is completely dependent on his parent to fulfill his needs.  Which brings me to last week ends Gospel were Christ reminds us not to be worried were we will get our food or clothing, for God provides for the birds of the air and the lilies of the field.  Do we take a moment during our busy day to recognize our dependence on him, our absolute dependence on him for every breath, every movement?  And do we then come to him like a child with unconditional love and thanks for this gift of life?  I too often fail here. 

I must learn to trust him more and myself less. Or as the Blessed Baptist put it I must decrease and he must increase.  Until others see Christ in me, his meekness, his mercy his dependence on the Father, I cannot hope to attain heaven.  Yet in his response to St. Peters question of “Then who can be saved?” Christ reminds us of our dependence on him, saying, “With men this is impossible: but with God all things are possible.”

Thanks be to God for his Grace and Mercy in a world set on self-dependence.

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