
Sunday, July 7, 2013

Rorate on the SSPX and what went down last April

Wow...this makes me quite a bit more comfortable with what Francis has been doing in shaking things up a little...still disappointed with his liturgical emancipation garbage, but it will take another 2-3 generations before VII is recognized as being a legitamite council, but one in which the things taught held no real solid authority outside of the things already defined.  Many will say that I am over reacting, that I just refuse development of the faith, but this is a false assertion.  Things like Religious Liberty and the new ecumenical attitude where we dont raise Pius XII to the high altars because the Jews are not comfortable even after he single handidly saved more people of the Jewish race then anyone else in the world, or the placing of being nice to the Orthodox even to the extent of not condemning Communism outright (as what occured for the Russian Orthodox to attend VII).  In the End Her immaculate Heart will triumph, but this could have been easier.  Let us pray for those complicit in trying to build the faith on their own whims.

Pray for the Holy Father for he will face more pressure then we can even imagine...And of course pray for the SSPX that they would not become cold hearted to the Vatican prelates.


+Our Lady of Fatima, Pray for US!+

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