
Tuesday, July 23, 2013

No Fear

So the Holy Father is foregoing a number of security measures during his trip to WYD over the next week.  Is anyone else just a little more concerned on the matter?  Maybe I’m just a worry wart
h/t  too funny

Im not sure if there is a reasoning behind him foregoing the security, perhaps it has to do with his his trust in providence.  Maybe he just wants to be closer to people.  I think both are admirable and commendable.  Having said that I am just a little afraid for him in this situation.   Rio is not Madrid as could be seen in the overpowing of the crowd to get to the Fiat the Pope was riding in (that’s right a Fiat, I guess safety has a name and its submission to God’s will literally. 

I just hope that he recognizes that he is no longer just the Bishop of little ole Buenos Aires but the supreme pontiff over the whole church.  His safety is important to all of us.  Please say a prayer for his and everyone’s safety at WYD.



  1. "that’s right a Fiat, I guess safety has a name and its submission to God’s will literally."

    As seen here.
